We offer an open invitation to anyone who would like to join us and would love to see you at any of our weekly or special events.
Please feel welcome to come along at any time, or get in touch for more information.
Illustration above as at July 2023
You can click on any of the events below to read fuller details.
- Sunday Service 10.30 am (Junior church, for children of all ages, during the 2nd half of the service.)
- Prospects (inclusive service for all those with learning disabilities) 3:00pm (Third Sunday of each month)
- Youth Early evening (First Sunday of each month)
- Prayer and Meditation 9:30am (Alternate Mondays, via Zoom only)
- Ladies Meeting 1.30 pm (Fortnightly)
- The Ark Play Group 10.00 – 11.30am & 1:00-2:30pm (Term time)
- Mini Messy Church 3:30 – 5:00pm (First Tuesday of each month)
- Prayer Walk & Litter Pick 11:00am (starting from a variety of locations within the local area)
- Lunch Club 12:00 – 2:00pm
- Men’s Breakfast 8:30am (Second Saturday of each month)
- Prayer Time 9.30 am (First and Third Saturday of each month)
- Care Home Hymn Singing 11:00am (Third Saturday of each month)
Home groups
- Home groups take place at different times throughout the week.