Newsletter Lead Article

1120 of 51 items

Be Encouraged

by Newsletter

Yes, that is June on the horizon, and yes you could be forgiven for thinking we are just getting over Easter (I’m picturing Philip reminding us that its only 30 weeks to Christmas!) However, I want to share some encouragement and reflect on the challenges we face because there is so much to celebrate among […]

What does Easter mean to you?

by Newsletter

As we approach the end of Lent and look towards Holy Week, we are faced with the reminder of what Jesus endured. Yet some believe that Easter is more about chocolate eggs, treasure hunts and a grand Sunday lunch than some man dying on a piece of wood! As you know, Easter is a time […]

The Foundation of Prayer

by Newsletter

Here we are at the start of another year. We began the year by looking at the ‘Unanswered Prayer course’ written by Pete Greig and the 24/7 Prayer Movement…