Posts by Newsletter

4150 of 51 items

Do not deny in the dark what God revealed to you in the light

by Newsletter

As we reflect upon the Easter story, we see that the disciples encountered moments of great confusion and doubt following the crucifixion. They found it difficult to recall, with any great conviction, what Jesus had taught them about the need for Him to die and that He would return from the dead…

Looking backwards and forwards

by Newsletter

Suddenly we appear to be well into 2018 with the month of January already almost gone. Like so many of you, I have spent a not inconsiderable time looking back at 2017, as always with a whole mixture of feelings and emotions…

Light in the Darkness

by Newsletter

A few weeks ago, as many were celebrating Hallowe’en with its underlying dark themes, we were able to enjoy an evening in church, bathed in light, at our ‘Light Party’…

Tempus Fugit – Time flies

by Newsletter

Regular readers of our church newsletter will have observed that very often my comments, expressed in these short articles, are often driven by …

Certainty in uncertainty

by Newsletter

On the 8th June we, as a nation, get another opportunity to cast our vote as we decide who will lead us for the next 5 years.
Many will have strong, well-established views on the way they will cast their vote, while others may still be giving consideration to the promises that the different parties are making…

Spring has sprung!

by Newsletter

As I sit down to write this article, I am joyously aware that the sun is just passing over the equator – the vernal equinox marking the beginning of Spring…

It’s not too late!

by Newsletter

As I read scripture, I constantly get the image of a God who is listening and reaching out to any who will turn to Him – no matter how long it’s been…

A new thing!

by Newsletter

As I write, I am acutely aware that the schools are returning for their new year. Both our young people and our school teaching staff face many new challenges…