A few weeks ago, as many were celebrating Hallowe’en with its underlying dark themes, we were able to enjoy an evening in church, bathed in light, at our ‘Light Party’.

In the days that followed, our night skies were bombarded with displays of light as people set off their fireworks. Some of you will remember the jingle of the advert ‘Light up the skies with Standard Fireworks’. (If you do, you’re showing your age!)

Even before Bonfire Night had come and gone, I had noticed one or two houses already decorated with seasonal Christmas lights.

Few people seem to like the darker nights of the winter months. We generally live in well lit houses (even if at times we choose more subdued lighting for a cosy mood – or just to save money) and many will only venture out after dark if it is absolutely necessary.

Week by week in church, as we go through Advent, we will light the candles on our Advent crown. We may even have an Advent candle in our own homes.

Few, if any, of us will fail to put up at least a few lights on a tree in the weeks that lie ahead.

In the midst of these dark months light seems so important.

Of course, we have a particular reason in this season to display as much light as we can. Jesus came into a world where there was much spiritual darkness and things are much the same today. John’s gospel reminds us that He came as the ‘LIGHT OF THE WORLD’. More than 2000 years on, millions across the world will, at Christmas-time, be thankful for the Light which has never gone out and which has transformed their lives.

This Christmas I pray that we will all understand more fully the reality of Emmanuel – ‘God with us’ – the Light of the World.

Happy Christmas, one and all!


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