Hi everyone.

I hope as you read this, you feel ready to face the shorter days, colder weather and the clocks changing.

I thought it would be a good opportunity to look back on some of the activities that have taken place over the summer months.

Every Tuesday during the month of August, we held our Summer Club for      primary school aged children. It was well attended last year but this year, the numbers went through the roof. Our highest number of children for the second Tuesday afternoon was 29 with around 14 adults. Overall, we’ve had over 100 children and 30 adults in our church building.  Also, our Mini Messy Church numbers are increasing every time. Could you please pray for us and the adults and children who attend week by week.

In July, George and Pauline invited our Teen Meet group to their Crown Green Bowling Club and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it.












Our first church picnic was amazing, and so was the weather. Maybe a little too hot for some!











I loved our first Tea Dance, which has been a dream of mine for a long time. It was a perfect day for me with the sun shining, spending time with friends,   lovely music, tea and cake, and of course, the best part, dancing. Here’s to the next one!

As I’m writing this on the day after Acts and Snacks, I’m thankful to all the     people who took part and for our church family who are willing to embrace new ideas.

Looking forward, this will be a busy but most exciting season, with so many  different activities for us to look forward to. The most exciting thing of all is that our faithful God will be sharing them with us.

God is faithful through all seasons.  “For  you have been my hope, Sovereign Lord,
my confidence since my youth”. Psalm 71: 5






Jan Dean – Children and Families worker (on behalf of the leadership team)