Well, we’re in August already! Time is rapidly marching on, and the months just seem to be flying by. Before we know it, it’ll soon be Christmas! But as the saying goes, “Time & tide wait for no man.”

Inevitably, with the passing of time there comes change. The great British weather for one thing never lets us down in this respect. Sometimes it literally changes from one hour to the next! Our government has changed and there will be different ways that parliament will lead our country. There’ll be some changes that we’ll agree with and others that we won’t. We’re experiencing change within our church, as we continue in the process of looking for a Minister who will help us lead the church forward in the way God wants us to go. And this also will bring change.

Many of us don’t like change at all, as it makes us feel insecure. How often have we heard people say. “Why can’t things stay as they are”? But, in time, everything changes – except God! He never changes! And that reminds me of a song that I sang when I was a child: “Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same. All may change but Jesus never, glory to His name.” It’s a wonderful truth that draws heavily on scripture, like all the best songs – in this case, Hebrews 13:8.

What a relief! And such a comfort to know that while change happens on a regular basis and often not for the good, Almighty God stays the same. Ever loving, ever faithful, He has the whole world in His hands.

Enjoy the rest of the Summer!
Take care. God bless,