Welcome to the June-July newsletter! It really is incredible to realise, writing this, that 2024 is approaching its half-way point. By this point in the year, it’s inevitable that we will all have experienced some real blessings, as well as some real challenges. That’s as true for Swallownest Baptist Church as it is for our personal lives.

As the church goes through this period of pastoral vacancy, it’s a good time to reflect on what has gone before, as well as dream about what God can do through this time of transition. It has already been a great opportunity for the church to come together to pray, to discern God’s will for His church in Swallownest and to think about the future. I encourage us all to pray continually, giving thanks for what has come before and asking for guidance for what is to come.

The challenge – for us personally and for the church – is that we don’t have an exact roadmap for how the next months will play out. Surprises and “curveballs” are sure to come our way in the months ahead. But the best news is that we don’t have to walk the path alone. We have each other and we have the love of Christ, who walks with us.

In this season, I believe that God has a word for us, and I am sure that He has a direction that He wants the church to take, to best bring Jesus into the community around us. And, as we allow ourselves to be open to God’s leading, we can be completely assured of His love, His power and His incredible plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us a hope and a future.
God bless,





Rob Joyce (on behalf of the leadership team)