“What a diff’rence a day made, Twenty-four little hours. Brought the sun and the flowers, Where there used to be rain.”
That is a song that plays through my mind as I reflect on these challenging times of change. I’m sure we can be forgiven for wondering how much longer will we be in the dark and times of uncertainty! Yet here we are, the days are longer, brighter and although still wetter than the previous year, we can sense the warmer weather is here amongst the heavy showers.
We may be able to see a little more clearly as we see some of the restrictions are easing up, however we still proceed with caution and rightly so. We’re not out of the woods yet!
Speaking of changes, I was greatly encouraged by the BMS presentation from the 5 year vision to transform 1 million lives at the Baptist Union (BU) assembly. The BU, in partnership with BMS and Baptist churches across the globe, have prayed and worked hard to see change in peoples lives.
Dr Kang-San Tan, the BU General Director, revealed that over 1.3 million lives were transformed through this project. No one could have imagined that they would achieve it, many doubted, yet God remained faithful and brought this vision and dedicated work to fruition. Praise God!
We also see changes in our own community. We opened for in-person worship at Easter as we celebrated the greatest day in history. We are also hearing of people drawing closer to God, people praying, reading scripture and sharing testimonies of how God is ever present in their lives.
We have all faced new challenges and changes recently, but we give God all the glory for His mighty hand upon on us all.
The leadership team are also working through many challenges and changes, creating or updating the various policies that are required, thinking ahead for when more changes come our way.
The leadership team also continue to work together through the EDIFI course, a new initiative for equipping Christian leaders for learning mission and ministry. This will not only benefit us but the church and community as well.
It doesn’t stop there though. There are some amazing opportunities on the horizon for us as we continue to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those we meet. In doing so we come to know God more, grow in Christ and will be overflowing in life.
The Apostle Paul reminds us in 2 Corinthians 4: 7-9:
“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed”.
Paul goes onto say,
“All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God”.
What have we stored up in lockdown that is now ready to be released? Let us continue to dig in and work together as we seek God’s mission for His community. AMEN.

![]() | David Skeet is our church team leader. Taken from the latest edition of our bi-monthly church newsletter. |