He came without ribbons. He came without tags. He came without packages, boxes or bags.
What is Christmas all about? A UK survey asked people to state three things that Christmas meant to them, 66% failed to mention religion or Christ’s birth. Two-thirds made no immediate connection between Christ and Christmas!
The songs we sing and the readings that we hear tell of the time when God came into the world in Human form and how that came about. From the prophecy foretold in Isaiah to the delivery of Jesus, a refugee born in a manger.
Is this what Christmas is all about, the story of a baby being born?
For so many Christmas is a time to celebrate, prepare for a feast, give and receive gifts, the warmth of family and friends.
Others will say it is the celebration of Jesus’ birth that has something to do with Christmas. But the full meaning of Christmas is something bigger – bigger than the family or good will toward humanity, even bigger than remembering the birthday of Jesus.
For when we celebrate Christmas, we are celebrating one of the greatest truths of our time – the incarnation, Emmanuel, God with us. We are not just celebrating the fact that some 2,000 years ago Jesus of Nazareth was born; we are celebrating the far greater fact that in Jesus of Nazareth God himself became human.
This gift that keeps on giving. That came without ribbons, without tags, packages, boxes or bags. His love for us and love for one another cannot be forged or created, it is in our DNA.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son” (John 3:16)
Peace on earth and good will to all is possible because of His love. My prayer is that we share that love with one another, as Christ first loved us, as we celebrate this advent – Emmanuel – God with us.
On behalf of the leadership team, have a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Grace and peace

![]() | David Skeet is our church team leader. Taken from the latest edition of our bi-monthly church newsletter. |