So is the New Year working out as you expected and everything going to plan? For me and my family the answer is ‘no’. The events so far have been quite unpredictable, with some disappointments and some hugely joyful news.
Of course, for some 2019 will have begun exactly as expected, but we know that over the coming months, and beyond, there will be surprises – some very pleasant but other not so.
Experience has already taught us that plans are never certain – personally, locally, nationally and internationally.
It is, therefore, a source of great comfort and confidence to be reminded of the words of Paul as he encouraged the believers in Rome.
“… in all things God works for the good of those who love him …“
Romans 8:28
So often it may seem unclear as to exactly how this is playing out in our circumstances, but it remains a promise to which we can return with grateful confidence.
In just a few more weeks, we will enter the season of Lent when we begin the lead up to Easter. If ever there was an event which clearly demonstrates God at work ‘for the good of those who love him‘, surely it is Jesus’ obedient journey to the cross, where He defeated the barrier of sin which separates us from God.
In view of this demonstration of the love of God, as we trust Him, we can face whatever 2019 throws at us.
Paul puts it this way:
‘if God is for us, who can be against us? …
In the Message version of the Bible, he goes on:
‘I’m absolutely convinced that nothing – absolutely nothing – can get between us and God’s love.‘
Let us hold on to this truth as we journey through 2019.